Vegan protein bar "SOY Concept" where you can easily ingest soy protein and soy isoflavone Black sesame flavor".
Type: プロテインバー
Category: SOY Concept
With only 124 kcal per stick, You can take 10.6g of vegetable protein and 43mg of soy isoflavone.
We do not use any animal-derived ingredients, so vegans can enjoy it with confidence.
This protein bar is characterized by its gentle sweetness and sesame aroma, without the use of artificial sweeteners or flavorings.
In addition, the black sesame flavor contains 36mg of sesamin. Sesamin has an antioxidant effect, and it is said that it can be expected to have various health benefits, including anti-aging effects. It goes well with soybeans, and supplements the amino acid components that are lacking in each other, so you can take in higher quality protein.
1日の中で「SOY Concept」をこまめに摂取するようにしましょう。
1本(標準28g)当たり | |
エネルギー | 124kcal |
たんぱく質 | 10.6g |
脂質 | 5.2g |
炭水化物 | 9.3g |
ー糖質 | 8.3g |
ー食物繊維 | 1.0g |
食塩相当量 | 0.2g |
大豆イソフラボン | 43mg (1本あたりの配合時の含有量) |
セサミン | 36mg |
原材料名 | 還元水飴(タイ製造)、粉末状大豆たん白、胡麻、大豆加工品(大豆パフ)、きな粉、食用こめ油、/炭酸カルシウム、(一部に大豆・ごまを含む) |
Vegan protein bar "SOY Concept" where you can easily ingest soy protein and soy isoflavone Black sesame flavor".